Anointing Oil Frankincense and Jasmine, along with various spices, was blended and positioned in front of the Ark of the Covenant within the Tabernacle. Following God's command, this perfume was crafted and designated to be placed before His altar, thereby declared as profoundly sacred by His made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.
"Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying" Also take for yourself quality spices... and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer ".It shall be a holy anointing oil "( Exodus 30.22-25 )
All products have Ministry of Health approvals.
Made in Israel.